Our Main Goal

Cleaning Services in Carrollton, GA

Carrollton GA Cleaning Service

#1 Cleaning Service, Bargain Prices, And Helping Those Locals in Need!

At Cleaning with a Cause we strive to not only be the best cleaning service with prices lower than others that are, reviewed, insured cleaning services, but to also make a difference by donating to “The Cause”.

Our professional cleaners follows very strict instruction to give you the best cleaning possible.

If you don’t need the whole area cleaned in Carrollton, GA? No problem there! We plan a custom detailed cleaning strategy and at a cost to your needs! Your happiness makes us happy!

Depending on the size of the job, we send out 1-2 cleaners. If you have a really large living area we can send even more maids to provide better, faster service!

Many other home cleaning companies may send you a different maid every time, for scheduled cleanings we try to send the same cleaners back to you each time as long as they are with our company!

Fear Not – We are a licensed, reviewed, and insured cleaning service company unlike many individual cleaners.

We do house cleaning at the frequency you want: one-time, monthly, bi-weekly, and weekly options for your house or workplace.

Your place, you tell us where and how we do it. Those off zone rooms or special areas that need more cleaning – we will go over specifics with you prior to cleaning so we know exactly what you expect!

Trusted Quality

If you are not happy with the quality of our cleanings, just reach out and we will correct the issue. We want you to be very satisfied! The reputation for our company is important because of the quality of our cleaning service and we want to keep it that way!

Helping The Needy

Cleaning With a Cause has donated over $20,000 dollars in the last 3 years to assist locals in need via “The Cause”.

If you’re not happy, just let us know and
we’ll work to make it right

Just Contact us
Expect the Best
We are VERY picky about the cleaners we do hire – many of our ladies were supervisors, trainers, managers with other companies or have just being doing this a quite some time. Our cleaners are some of the most experienced in the industry. Cleaning is what they LIKE to do and they put their all into it!
Save Money & Time
Even though we are one of the top rated companies in the cleaning sector, our costs also tend to be lower than most other licensed, reviewed, and insured cleaning organizations.
Helping Locals in Need
A portion of the profits are donated to assisting locals in need. Over $20,000 has been donated from our company, Cleaning with a Cause in the last 3 years.