The Cause

Jeremy and Lauren presenting a check to the organization Backpack Buddies
Cleaning with a Cause is a family-owned residential and commercial cleaning company. In addition to providing top notch cleaning service with detail-orientated professional cleaning ladies, Cleaning with a Cause was founded with a goal of giving back and helping people in their time of need. A portion of the profits from all cleanings go to that CAUSE.
In the last 3 years, Cleaning with a Cause has donated over $20,000 to THE CAUSE of helping locals in need.
Included among the many donations, have been $2,500 to Backpack Buddies, who send home food for kids in the school system on free and reduced lunch to make sure they have food for the weekend. Cleaning with a Cause also donated $5,000 to Bridging the Gap, which was then also graciously matched by the Toyota dealership to send $10,000 to help provide assistance to hungry, homeless, and hurting people by feeding, clothing, and helping restore them. The Boys & Girls Club is an incredible organization helping local kids in need and is one of Cleaning with a Cause’s favorite organizations to support. We have seen first hand the great achievements to come out of the Boys & Girls Club from young people who have turned their life completely around with the help, structure, and guidance of the Boys & Girls Club. These are just 3 of the organizations that Cleaning with a Cause continues to provide regular financial support to.
In addition to non-profit organizations, Cleaning with a Cause, likes to help out specific individuals in need. Cleaning with a Cause has donated money for people to pay deposits to be able to move into new living situations due to domestic abuse or financial despair. Cleaning with a Cause has paid rent for struggling people about to be evicted; bought and hand-delivered groceries to families nearly out of food, provided gift cards for food.